It blows my mind that the first people on earth to meet Jesus, Joseph, and Mary in Bethlehem were shepherds. Of all who walked the earth, I would’ve imagined a more pompous and powerful delegation to travel and visit the Prince of Peace and the Lord of Lords, yet God chose shepherds…plain ole shepherds to greet and give glory to Jesus in His first few days.
Jesus modeled what a true shepherd looks like in His life here on earth. Not just as one who guarded and guided His flock, but one who gave us His own life for the sake of those who had gone astray. Growing up, I used to think this reality was for the super “bad” kids in the world, but no…it was me and my punishment that Jesus died for. An unconditional gift that I’ll never be able to earn or pay back, but one that I can freely receive…knowing that no matter what, I’m His.
Oh, how often do I worry about things in this world. Anxious about the future. But if I truly believe the truth in this passage, I don’t need to fear, for we have a Shepherd who has already won the war, paid the cost, and loves us as His own.