December 5, 2024

Bob Maas
“For by one sacrifice, he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy."
Hebrews 10:14

I am personally grateful for that moment in my life when Jesus revealed Himself to me. My life and marriage were a wreck, but when Jesus Christ lifted my burden of sins and forgave me, I was set free from being an enemy of God to one of His children.

This verse powerfully reminds me of Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice and eternal impact on my life.
Through His death on the cross, Jesus offered a single, perfect sacrifice that atoned for all my sins, past, present, and future. This sacrifice wasn’t just for temporary forgiveness but a complete and permanent act of redemption. It secured my eternal salvation and made me holy before God.

This verse also speaks to the ongoing process of sanctification. As believers, we are being made holy, transformed into the image of Christ. This is a lifelong journey, but we can be assured that our ultimate destination is maturity, made possible by the one sacrifice of Jesus. Therefore, let us rejoice in knowing that our salvation is secure and our sanctification is guaranteed. Let us live each day with gratitude for the immeasurable love of Christ and the hope of eternal life.