From prison, Paul wrote the book of Colossians to remind the Church of Colossae that Christ freed them (and us all, too) from the law since their faith was being distorted by other customs and religions. To put it in today’s terms, social media and its worldly views. Paul writes to urge us all to remain truthful to Christ, who is our divine creator and sustainer. He is preeminent (1:18), meaning that He is in first place, above all, and in all.
Because He went before us to secure our salvation, we are now members of the family of God. Jesus’ not-so-peaceful death on the cross brought forth peace for us to experience; His Blood made us right with the Father!
How lucky are we that we are on the other side of Jesus conquering death?
Seriously, how lucky are we that we get a Helper to dwell within us! Now, as followers of Christ, because we get to freely experience the many fruits of the spirit, we should also live them out in every good work we do. I don’t know about y’all, but knowing help is always available and a prayer away, fills me with peace for what is and the unknown of what is to come. Breathe out!!