August 21, 2023

Paulina De La Fuente
"And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people."
Acts 2:46-47

Celebrating the multiplication of three Sunday gatherings and three new community groups yesterday feels like an easy time to both praise God and understand a snippet of the move of God that the early church in Acts was experiencing in these verses!

Over my last 10 years of getting to be a part of Cypress Creek Church, I’ve gotten to experience so many examples of those with “glad and generous hearts” who have received me and many others into their homes to share a meal, worship, discuss God’s Word, and pray together. While some evenings at Community Groups may have stood out more than others, it’s in being devoted to meeting in groups “day by day” that the real fruit of this rhythm bears fruit in our lives. Day by day of meeting together in the smaller living rooms across our cities, we get to know each other’s jobs and ambitions and children and hurts and struggles and joys and celebrations! Day by day, we walk alongside each other through circumstances and seasons, both those that are familiar to us and those that we haven’t walked through and maybe will never walk through. Day by day, we get to watch God use those who are the least like us to work through and minister to us. All while we stay devoted to God’s rhythm for us to consistently gather together!

God, as we step into the fall semester, help us reset our daily and weekly rhythms and prioritize those which are most important to You. Thank You for the way You work powerfully in each of us as we stay devoted to gathering together. Help us put aside the things that distract or busy us. We trust all our days to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.