August 20, 2024

Joel Hernandez
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him"
Colossians 2:6

This verse reminds us that the same faith in which we first received Christ should guide us each day. Paul encourages us to “continue to live your lives in him,” emphasizing the importance of letting our relationship with Jesus shape our daily actions, decisions, and relationships.

To “live your lives in him” is to root yourself deeply in Christ, drawing strength, wisdom, and guidance from Him. Like a tree planted by water, we are nourished and sustained by our connection to Him. Consider a plant in a well-watered garden—it grows strong, roots reaching deep into the soil, soaking up all the nutrients it needs. But if that plant is uprooted or neglected, it withers, unable to thrive. Our lives are the same. When we remain rooted in Christ, we flourish; when we stray, we struggle to find strength and direction.

Today, let’s examine how we are living out our faith. Are we staying rooted in Christ, or are we easily swayed by the world around us? Let this verse remind us to stay anchored in Him, growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus daily.