August 12, 2024

Katie Deetjen
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters...
Psalm 23: 1-2

Psalm 23 may be one of the most widely known and quoted verses in scripture, and I am tempted to read it and think, “Ya, I know this; I’ve heard it a thousand times before.” But in His goodness, God makes His word living, active, and new to me each time I read it if I approach it with a humble heart.

When I read the beginning verses of Psalm 23 this time, the Lord impressed on me the intimacy that comes with being “my shepherd.”  He takes an active role in my well-being. He is the God of the universe, but He is not aloof or uncaring towards His flock. As Pastor Jose taught two Sundays ago, God offers us purpose, protection, and pace – things that are specific and personalized for each one of us as we travel on our individual journeys toward knowing Him and becoming more like Him.

On our sanctification journeys, the Lord will make us lie down in green pastures and lead us beside quiet waters, but those pastures and waters will be different for each of His sheep. As hard as it is for my human mind to comprehend, His hand guides me and all those who submit themselves to His love – for all time. I pray that you and I would make an effort to reflect and recognize those green pastures and quiet waters in our stories and feel known and loved by the Lord. And that we would then share those experiences and love with others for His glory.