April 19, 2021

Tyler Keese
7 “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. 2 For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.
Matthew 7:1-2

It’s is so comforting to know that we serve a perfect and unbiased God. When I think about my shortcomings and failures, I am reminded of how messy my flesh can be. The beautiful thing is that God sees ALL of my sins, yet he chooses to call me by my name, not by my sin. All because of the grace supplied by the sacrifice of Jesus. With that comforting reminder, I acknowledge that I don’t always model that kind of love and grace when struggling with casting judgment on others for their decisions.

There are three things that I try to remind my self when I’m placing myself in the “judgment seat”:
1. I never know the whole facts or the whole person.
2. It is almost impossible for me to be strictly impartial in my judgment. Again and again, I am swayed by instinctive and unreasonable reactions to people.
3. I am not good enough to judge any other person.

May today we be reminded that it is vitally important we choose to reflect the grace we have received.