July 26, 2024

Johnny Young
"not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
Hebrews 10:25 (NIV)

There are compliments I still remember receiving when I was in middle school because they were not common and when they were out of the blue, they felt more genuine. That encouragement would be something I thought of often growing up, which could have been unhealthy or healthy, but as I have gotten older and began surrounding myself with other Christians I would see this genuine encouragement more often than I ever had seen. The verse Hebrew 10:25, which says “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” has led me to understand as children of God we are told that if we are living in a relationship with God we should also desire to encourage those around us.

A parent of a student recently told me she attended Cypress Creek Church for the first time and began tearing up as she said how impactful it was when strangers asked for her name. She was encouraged by how the worship leader told the kids the teachers are so excited to see them. Those small habitual things we experienced in the church lead to some profound encouragement in another person’s heart, and it leads me to wonder, what simple encouragement can we show the world outside the walls of the church. I am extroverted so throwing out random compliments to strangers comes a little easier; but, to encourage another Christian really can look like not acting like strangers when you see them out of church, like anytime I saw a teacher in the grocery store growing up. Next time you see someone you recognize from church in HEB, school, or around town, say “hi,” and encourage them and just see what God can do in that person’s heart!