October 6, 2024

Bob Maas
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
Matthew 6:25
I am eternally grateful that Jesus came to give me abundant life and teach me how to live God’s way instead of man’s way. Everything is provided for me to nurture my existence in Him. The Lord reveals it through His life and teaching.
His death on the cross is the most excellent demonstration in human history that God loves me, my family, my friends, and everyone else. His resurrection from the dead assures me that no circumstance or situation will ever happen that can separate me from Him.
My old nature, the one I was born with when I came into the world, has been conditioned by my senses, and for many years, I thought that reality was in the material and physical things surrounding me.
However, since I started following Jesus, I have been in a transition that has been gradually helping me see that the true and eternal things are spiritual. I am increasingly independent of tangible things and rely on my Heavenly Father, His Word, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus to support me in all my activities.
I thank God for guiding me into this incredible experience of living continually in His presence, one moment at a time.