Stick with me for a second while I share a word picture. Sometimes my faith journey feels like I was stuck in a pit with a bunch of zombies. I claw my way out of the pit, but even as I experience the light of freedom from the pit, the zombies grasp at my ankles to pull me back in. Ok, it would not make a good children’s bible picture book, but it sure feels accurate to my experience.
We were all once in darkness with sin and demons (and zombies) vying for our attention, energy, and actions. By accepting Jesus as Savior, we are lifted from the darkness into the freedom of the light. Our shortcomings are exposed and forgiven. But our journey should not stop there. In order to experience the fullness of healing possible from God’s love, we must continually expose the hurts and sins from the darkness that still seek to have influence in our lives.
Are there any wounds are sins that you need to confess to God so that they do not pull you back into darkness? Do so and receive a fresh dose of the healing power of God’s love and forgiveness.