September 18, 2024

Annie Ward
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29 NIV

A yoke is a wooden beam that connects two animals across their neck and shoulders, usually oxen, while they pull something behind them, like a plow. The yoke is used to make sure the two animals are moving and working together while sharing the load. In the very next verse, Jesus says “my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11:30)

Sometimes I need to help my husband move something heavy. Usually, it’s furniture, and usually, it is because I want to reconfigure the furniture around the house. When we lift anything heavy, I know he is carrying the bulk of the weight. He is just naturally stronger than I am. I am working with him and helping, but I know he is lifting more. If I were trying to move something with my 11-year-old son, my burden would be more. I would be the one that needs to bear the majority of the weight.

The same is true as we follow Jesus. When we put our faith in Him, we hitch ourselves to Him. We will still walk through valleys, we will still experience storms, and we will still live in this broken world. However, our burden will be lighter because He is on the other side of our yoke. Our direction will be easier to find because He will be walking next to us. When I step away from his yoke and hitch myself to something else, I remove myself from His “gentle and humble heart” and I no longer have that easy yoke. I choose to have a heavier load. 

Jesus, thank you for offering us your yoke. We want to learn from you and work with your kingdom. Show us more of your gentle and humble heart so that we can imitate you in our families and our community. We find true rest when we put our faith in you and choose to stay under your yoke. Help us see that your ways are not about controlling us, but about giving us rest. It is in your name we pray, Amen.