These verses make me think of the “already, but not yet” — God’s promises that, as followers of Jesus, we have already seen begin to appear and yet are still waiting for the complete fulfillment of them.
Ever since the Sunday morning gatherings, I’ve had the chorus of “Promises“ stuck in my head: “From the rising sun to the setting same, I will praise Your name.” I believe that some of what these verses are speaking of happened even as we worshipped together on Sunday morning. Even as we wait for the whole world to know God, and make His name great on every corner of the earth, He is glorified as we make His name great in our worship and over our lives.
What a way for us to start the week, posturing ourselves before God, as the Lord Almighty, over everything that happens every minute of every day on every corner of the earth. Greater than any earthly circumstance, obstacle, or struggle. As we remind ourselves of this, He becomes greater in our lives, and in our realms of influence, and in our communities, cities, state, country, and world. From the rising of the sun to its setting each day, let’s make His name great and watch how He transforms us and our world.