Welcome to Cypress Creek Kids!

Cypress Creek Kids mission is to support children and families in the God-given design to love and follow Jesus.


At every Sunday morning gathering, childcare is provided for all children, newborn through 5th grade. Each classroom is designed to provide a safe, nurturing environment where kids can learn about the gospel of Jesus while having lots of fun together!

There are also many exciting things happening for Cypress Creek Kids each and every month! Take a look at the different opportunities there are for kids to engage with Jesus and community, and to build their Character, Confidence, and Courage along the way!

Baby Dedications

Baby Dedications are a time when parents get to publicly commit to raising their kids to the Lord in front of the Cypress Creek Church family (1 Samuel 1:27-28). We would like to come along side of you in this journey! If you are interested in dedicating your baby/toddler(s) please fill out the form via the link below and someone will get back to you shortly.



KidsVids is a fun and engaging portal full of content for Kids to learn and grow spiritually from home!


Kids Team

It takes a Team!

Each and every week, a large group of volunteers serve as teachers and assistant teachers in the various classrooms. These volunteers are background-checked, trained, and generous enough to give their time and talents for the sake of pouring into our kids and training them to be more like Jesus as they grow up!

Interested in being a part of the Kids Team? Reach out via email!

Stay Connected

Have any questions or want more information? Feel free to contact our Kid’s Pastor:

Scarlett Kiowski – scarlett@cypresscreekchurch.com

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Kids Camp 2024

Kids Camp is a FREE camp that is packed full of fun, games, crafts, and activities for all Kids PreK-4 through 5th grade! Most importantly, Jesus filled conversation and teaching are threaded throughout the entire camp!


Dance Alive

Dance Alive is a class for kids that is all about dancing for the glory of God and to bring others to Jesus! Contact Adele at dance@cypresscreekchurch.com with questions or for more information.