September 18, 2023

Scarlett Kiowski
"With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies."
Psalm 108:13

A few years back, I remember sitting on my daughter’s bed working through a disagreement that had just diffused. I can’t remember all of the details surrounding the conflict, but my guess is it was caused by us butting heads; she is definitely my mini-me!! As we processed the disagreement, I took responsibility for my part and helped her see her part. I realized a couple of things through this disagreement. She was acting like me, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Our sin mirrored each other, our response, everything!!!! I apologized for teaching her such poor behavior and told her that I definitely taught her to act that way. I also realized that in the same way that God has helped and continues to help me overcome the sin in my life, He is going to help my kids overcome their sin.

That is why I can rest in God’s grace and the fact that I’m an imperfect parent. As I look back over my life, some of my sweetest moments with Jesus are times He helped me overcome my sin. When I rest in knowing that He has not only overcome evil for me but also for my kids, I find peace and hope.