June 17, 2024

Vic King
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds
Hebrews 10:24

The sharp pointed spurs of the old west jingling on the back of a cowboy’s dusty boots provide an unfortunate picture of what the Hebrew writer is asking of us. You get the impression that what it takes to motivate a horse is a blood drawing stab in the ribs. (that wouldn’t go far to encourage me toward love and good deeds). Fact is, if you asked a seasoned horse trainer today the purpose of a spur, he/she would likely say, “It’s a communication device. It is a clear signal to the horse what it is you are asking of him.” Whereas the soft boot heal may not clearly communicate, a firm object is likely to.

The first century writer to the Hebrews wanted to communicate clearly and firmly an important activity of the young churches. If they were to survive as a family of Christ-Followers amid the persecution of their pagan world, it was critical for them to clearly communicate (spur, stir up, provoke, stimulate) to each other their love.

How can we at CCC communicate with clarity that we genuinely love each other? This is good question. Let’s ask God for the answers? Let’s discuss it in our Community Groups. Let’s be intentional and creative.

By the way, Jesus said clearly that communicated love toward one another will be noticed by the world around us. And they will say, “Look, there goes some of Jesus’ people.” (John 13:35) Wouldn’t that be something!