The Christmas story is well known to many, and it is powerful enough to stand on its own without interpretation or explanation. The birth of Jesus is one of the most significant and well-known events in human history. This Christmas week, we will look at the story in its entirety and draw a few lessons along the way.
In these first seven verses of the second chapter of Luke, I am struck by two things. First, Joseph and Mary were faithful to do the right thing. Though she could have made the excuse of being pregnant (especially pregnant with a miracle child that was the Son of God), they were obedient to what was required by culture at that time. Lord, help me to be obedient to the rules and laws of my culture that I do not always agree with or understand.
Second, Mary and Joseph found no lodging, and she really could have used a decent room. In the text, there is no indication that they complained to the innkeeper, grumbled to God, or blamed each other. They simply remained humble, delivered the baby Jesus, and wrapped him to stay warm. Lord, help me to be grateful and humble this Christmas season regardless of my circumstances or stress level.
Are there some areas in your life where you need to humbly walk in obedience and gratitude? This Christmas season, ask the Lord to help you in these areas.