Nothing is more important than continually abiding in fellowship with the Lord. Living in His presence, consciously aware of Him and His Kingdom, gives me all of the light and understanding I need to work through any adversity that comes my way.
There is no problem for me to solve because He always has the perfect solution. I can unconditionally trust Him to make every situation work in harmony with Him to accomplish His purpose.
Every situation in which I experience worry, doubt or fear is a simple reminder that I am leaning on my own understanding instead of trusting the Lord. Now that I know the secret of living continuously and victoriously over every circumstance, I am free from fear, bitterness, resentment, anger, frustration, ambition and every form of discontentment.
My future is in God’s hands and I know He will guide me, one step at a time, to walk with Him through the mountains and valleys that are ahead of me.