September 6, 2024

Rhonda Patterson
"And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way."
Ephesians 1:22-23

Christ’s heart for His body is to see it healthy, strong, purposeful, growing, and unified. In my faith journey, my early years weren’t even close to reflecting this. But Jesus knew what I needed.

Recently, I reconnected with a dear sister in Christ. She had poured into my life for many years and mentored me in my walk with the Lord. Through her example and words, God taught, grew, comforted, challenged me, and so much more. She came into my life at a time when I felt very broken. But she walked alongside me, encouraging me to always look to Jesus, and serving Christ under her leadership changed my life. Although circumstances have shifted with time, and I don’t see her often, I will always treasure her investment in me.

Being part of Christ’s body is a beautiful gift to enjoy this side of heaven. We are blessed to do life together, celebrating joys and enduring hardships in community with one another. In Christ, there is fullness of joy as we spur one another on.

Can I give you an assignment? As we’ve been pondering our roles and responsibilities within the family of God, it’s meaningful to reflect on those who have impacted our journeys with the Lord. Please take some time today to think about them and pray thanksgiving and blessing over them. Also, contemplate who you are currently involved in various ministries with and spend some time praying for them. And lastly, look for an opportunity to speak to these brothers and sisters, words of life that build them up. This simple act is putting into action Ephesians 4:29 as we purposely edify with our words.

Lord, we ask that Your attributes continually be reflected through our words, prayers, and actions so that we may spur one another on in our walk with You. You are so worthy.