January 8, 2025

Bob Maas
“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
1 John 4:4

I haven’t always been a child of God. I was raised by wonderful parents who were very active in a local, traditional church but my heart had not experienced the reality of spiritual regeneration. I can recall making a conscious decision to reject God’s call for me to follow Jesus because the pleasures of this world were too attractive to me. As I reflect on my life and the outcome of that choice I started spiraling downward in a path of depravity. It did not stop until I had to face the consequences and fruit of living my way instead of God’s way. When I finally believed the gospel of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ and encountered his mercy and grace, I made a conscious decision to turn my life over to him. It was then that I began following him and I became a child of God. I made the awesome discovery that truth was more than an abstract idea or philosophical concept; the truth was personified in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now he lives in me and through me as I surrender everything I am and have to him. By walking day by day and moment by moment with him, I experience the same peace and joy that his followers did two thousand years ago.

I thank you, Lord, for making the gospel real to me through your mercy and grace and adopting me as one of your children. I wasn’t worthy to be brought into your Kingdom of light, but through the cross of Jesus Christ, you made me worthy by not counting my sins against me. Hallelujah!