This is an amazing passage that stretches my sensibilities. Take a minute and change the third person to first and read it again: “For he chose me in him before the creation…”
“Are you kidding me, God? You’re talking about me?!”
An important sidebar: At least for now, can we set aside the theological conundrum provoked by the phrase “he predestined us?” After many years of head scratching over those words and reading articles of differing opinions by people much smarter than me I have not come to full peace about my understanding. But, here is what I do understand: the apostle did not write this in his introduction to create a confusing debate, rather to light up our bedraggled imaginations with profound encouragement.
Here it is. Take it personally. Swallow it whole: Before time as we know it began, before he made the dirt to scoop up and form Adam, he had your face, your personality, your DNA cocktail in mind and picked you out for this moment in this place with your assignment…to be set apart and washed clean for such a time as this. Adopted into his family by the work of Jesus Christ. Purpose and place clear. You belong.
AND…LISTEN TO THIS: He got a kick out of it. Can you imagine their conversation? Jesus says to the Father and His Spirit, “Look at this one. Isn’t she something? Where and when should we place her? We’re going to need some of our people set apart for Central Texas in the early 2000s. She’s perfect for it. And, to be sure, we’ll dump an ample load of grace on her. God, this is fun!”