January 13, 2025

Bob Maas
“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 14:17

This verse offers a profound reminder of the true essence of the Christian life. It transcends mere outward observances, regulations, and rules to explore the core of our relationship with God. It’s about being transformed from living life in man’s way to living God’s way by following Jesus Christ.

This verse illuminates three fundamental pillars of God’s Kingdom. First is righteousness, which is not simply rule-following but a right standing before God, attained through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a transformative work of the Holy Spirit, producing Christ-like character within us.

Second, peace is much more than the absence of conflict. It is an abiding sense of serenity and wholeness rooted in our reconciliation with God through Christ. This peace transcends circumstances, offering stability amidst life’s storms.

And the third pillar is joy. This is not fleeting happiness dependent on external factors. It is a deep-seated, enduring joy that flows from the Holy Spirit’s presence within us. It is a supernatural delight in God and His goodness, sustaining us through challenges.

These three elements are not achieved through human effort but are fruits of the Spirit, gifts bestowed upon believers. They represent the transformative power of God at work in our lives.

So, let’s not become preoccupied with external rituals or legalistic adherence. Instead, let us cultivate a heart characterized by righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. This is the genuine culture of citizenship in God’s Kingdom.